


Circle K International, also referred to as CKI, is the world's largest collegiate organization dedicated to service and leadership development with over 500 clubs in seven countries. It is not the size of the organization, however, which gives us our identity or provides us with our primary source of pride and satisfaction. Rather, it's our mission, what we do, and the objects of the organization that sets Circle K apart from other student organizations.  Together with Key Club, Builder's Club, K-Kids, and Aktion Club, it is sponsored by Kiwanis International.

Circle K is a service organization through which college students can find a means of responsible student action in their communities and a more active involvement in the life of their campus. As clubs learn about the needs of their campuses and communities, they develop hands-on activities to address these problems.

College is more than a pursuit for a scholastic degree -- it offers good times, getting to know others, finding out who you are, and making a meaningful contribution to the world. Circle K provides a unique opportunity to make a difference now -- Circle K is the total college experience.

The Alabama District of Circle K International is comprised of Circle K Clubs at many Universities, Colleges, and Community Colleges within the State of Alabama.  


1.  To have 15 active clubs with 430 members by April 1, 2003.

2.  To increase visibility and communication of the district board by requiring each board member to participate in two service projects outside their division.

3.  To have 9,500 service hours for the district.  We also will have 850 service hours completed by the district board of officers by April 1, 2003.

4.  To improve K-Family relations by the district board participating in one Key Club and one Kiwanis club service project, other than Tri-K, per semester.


I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind's potential.


2002-2003 THEME:


Other Key Facts:

More Information Here about the District and frequently used Terms


History of Circle K:  Click here to see how Circle K International got started!


Service Initiative:  Updates from our District SI chair Jamie Allen


Millennium Plan:  Circle K International's Strategic Plan for 2001-2005



More About Us  Conventions and Conferences  District Board Directory  Calendar of Events 

Status of the District  Kiwanis-Family Links  Report and Awards Forms  Photo Gallery

District Board Meeting Minutes  Members of the Month