



The Alabama District of Circle K International holds several conventions and conferences every year: the Membership Education Rally in November, which focuses on educating new members; the District Convention in February or March, which focuses on electing new District leadership; and the Leadership Development Conference in April, which focuses on developing leadership skills of club officers.  Members of the Alabama District are also encouraged to attend the Kiwanis Family Conference in October, the Y'all Conference in January, which we are hosting this year, and last, but not least, the International Convention in August, where International leaders are elected.  Click on the photos to the right to find more information about these exciting upcoming conventions and conferences, as well as to find registration forms online, and sometimes even to register online!   For photos from past conventions and other events, visit the Photo Gallery.


In addition to the registration form and fee, you need two other things to get into any Alabama District of Circle K International Convention or Conference: A completed medical form and a signed Code of Conduct Form.  You can find both of those by clicking here!  (Try the "click here" on the side if your browser is not compatible with Java.)

click here

click here

Leadership Development Conference 2003:

A Unique Conference Designed to Train Club Officers centered around the Sheffield Area Boundless Playground Build Project!  District Committee Chairs are also typically appointed here.

April 25-27, 2003  Webster Inn & Suites, Sheffield, AL

$40 Registration,

$23 Hotel (Quad)  Due ASAP to LDC Coordinator Steven Yates at!!


International Convention 2003:

Get Ready for the Big One!  This year, it is scheduled to coordinate with Key Club International Convention, and many of the sessions will even be shared between the two Kiwanis Family Organizations!

July 2-6, 2003

Registration: $150  Hotel: $143.36 (Quad)

Due May 30 directly to Circle K International 

District Trip: Large Scale Service Project with SEND in Indianapolis,

June 27-July 1, 2003

Registration: $110 (+$10 Optional T-Shirt) 

Lodging Included

Due May 15 to Melissa Schmidt (info. on form)!!


More About Us  Conventions and Conferences  District Board Directory  Calendar of Events 

Status of the District  Kiwanis-Family Links  Report and Awards Forms  Photo Gallery

District Board Meeting Minutes  Members of the Month