



Here's a schedule of upcoming events and other dates to remember in the district.  It will be updated frequently to include the latest in high-profile club and district events.  The Bama Bugle contains a similar schedule, but this one will be updated more quickly and constantly to give you coverage on events the Bugle just can't run down in its roughly bi-monthly rotation.  Just scroll down to see what's coming up for the Alabama District of Circle K International!  Some events even include links to websites where you may find more information!  

Color Code:  Deadlines; Conventions Rallies

Service Projects; Kiwanis Family Events

Click Here  

For a list of Days, Times, and Locations of Club Meetings, as well as who to contact if you'd like to visit them.   

Day of Week


Event and Location


May 15, 2003

Large Scale Service Project Registration Due!


May 30, 2003

International Convention Registration Due directly to Circle K International!

Friday to Sunday

May 30-June 1, 2003

UA Summer Board Meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL

Friday to Sunday

June 6-7, 2003

Alabama District Summer Board Meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL

Saturday to Wednesday

June 27-July 1, 2003

3rd Annual Large Scale Service Project w/ SEND, Indianapolis, IN

Wednesday to Sunday

July 2-6, 2003

48th Annual Circle K International Convention, Indianapolis, IN

Friday to Sunday

August 1-3, 2003

5th Annual Southern Summer Social, Atlanta, GA 

Friday to Sunday

August 1-3, 2003

85th Annual Kiwanis District Convention, Auburn, AL


More About Us  Conventions and Conferences  District Board Directory  Calendar of Events 

Status of the District  Kiwanis-Family Links  Report and Awards Forms  Photo Gallery

District Board Meeting Minutes  Members of the Month